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Windows Basics


Zooming“CTRL” + “Scroll Wheel”
Copy“CTRL” + “C”
Paste“CTRL” + “V”
Highlight All“CTRL” + “A”
Open Downloads“CTRL” + “J”
Highlight Section“CTRL” + “Left Click”
Highlight Individually“CTRL” + “Left Click(s)”
Undo“CTRL” + “Z”
Redo“CTRL” + “Y”
Find“CTRL” + “F”
Create Hyperlink“CTRL” + “K”
Save“CTRL” + “S”
Print“CTRL” + “P”
Sign Out of Windows“Windows Key” + “L”
Realtor “R” ®“ALT” + 0174
emoji Keyboard“Windows Key” + “;”
Switch Window“ALT” + “Tab”
Switch Tab“CTRL” + “Tab”
Open in New TabClick Link with Mousewheel


Paste- Merge Formatting“Right mouseclick”
Paste Options: “Merge Formatting (M)”
Paste- Keep Text Only“Right mouseclick”
Paste Options: “Keep Text Only (T)”
Linking Phone NumbersHighlight what you want to link
Right click on the highlighted section
Type “tel:” followed by your phone number as the link.
Update to new EdgeClick Here to Download
Import data your Chrome
Opening / Closing TabsAbove the Address bar, the highest most part of your browser window are your tabs
Beside each is an “x” to close just that tab, and a “+” to the right of all the tabs to open a new one.
Adding Chrome ExtensionsOpen a New Tab in Chrome or Edge
Type in the following in the address bar (at the top) “
If you are on edge, you should have a banner at the top asking permission to use extensions from other browsers. Allow it.
personally use GrammarlyuBlock Origin, and Dark Reader
Removing ExtensionsAt the top right corner of chrome & edge are 3 dots, left click them

EDGE: Extensions

Chrome: More Tools > Extensions Keep only trustworthy extensions, remove the rest.
Changing Edge Autofill SettingsAt the top right corner of chrome & edge are 3 dots, left click them.
(Choose) Passwords / Payment info / Addresses and More
Toggle switch at top of screen
Use “Incognito Mode” or “In Private” windowAt the top right corner of chrome & edge are 3 dots, left click them.
The third or fourth option down should be what you are looking for.
NiniteGo to
Install at least the following programs that are not already installed – Chrome & VLC.
Open the download location / Show in FolderWhen downloading anything on a browser, a banner with tabs appears at the bottom of your screen.
Click the thee dots (or up arrow) to see more options.
“Show is Folder” will open where it WILL be when finished downloading.

TIP: If you downloaded something and forgot to do the above, use the “CTRL” + “J” shortcut in the browser that downloaded it. From there you have a list of downloads which have options to “Show in Folder”.
Changing Default Programs“windows” Search “default apps”
“left click” on any field to change the default
I suggest using:
Email – Outlook
Music Player – VLC
Video Player – VLC
Web Browser – Google Chrome OR (New) Edge
Changing Startup Programs“windows” Search “startup apps”
Turn off anything peripheral or unused
(things published by Microsoft or your internet security are not peripheral)
Changing Mouse Sensitivity Settings“windows” Search “mouse settings”
Left Click “Additional Mouse Settings”
Select the “Pointer Options” tab “Select a pointer speed:”
I suggest maxing this to “Fast”
Changing Mouse Appearance“windows” Search “mouse settings”
Left Click “Additional Mouse Settings”
Select the “Pointers” tab
Under the scheme dropdown choose your preference.

I suggest “Windows Inverted (system scheme)” or “Windows Inverted (large) (system scheme)”
Windows Updates“windows” Search “windows update settings”
UnzipRight click on the “.zip” folder
Extract Files
Choose where you want your new folder created
Full Screen (Win10 Only)Left click at the top of any window, hold the mouse down and “drag” the window
“Drag” the window against the top of your screen
“Let go” and this window will maximize to full screen
Split Screen (Win10 Only)Left click at the top of any window, hold the mouse down and “drag” the window
“Drag” the window against either side of your screen
“Let go” of the window to have it occupy exactly half of your screen
If any other windows are open, you’ll be prompted to left click on the screen you’d like to take the other half

TIP: This can be done with the corners of the screen to make it divide into quarters, but this is generally not useful unless you have an exceptionally large display


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