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Facebook Dimensions

Facebook Pages:

Cover Photo — 720 x 312 pixels

Profile Photo — 320 x 320 pixels

App Images — 111 x 74 pixels

News Feed Images — Width of 504 pixels; recommended size of 1,200 x 628 pixels

News Feed Link Post “Featured” Image — 484 x 252 pixels; recommended size of 1,200 x 628 pixels

Page Posts & Ads:

Page Post Link/Offer in Desktop News Feed — 1,200 x 628 pixels, displays as 470 x 246 pixels

Page Post Link/Offer on Mobile News Feed — 560 x 292 pixels

News Feed Image Posts — 1,200 pixels wide, displays as 470 x 470 pixels

News Feed Image Posts (Mobile) — Up to 626 x 840 pixels

Page Like Ads

Desktop — 1,200 x 444 pixels

Mobile — 560 x 208 pixels



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